Saturday, March 19, 2011

a day in Shenzhen

We leave soon for the airport to fly to Nanning, but I wanted to take a bit of time and post a few real pictures of China! We went to a park today called "Window to the World." It was pretty impressive and we had a great time. Once again, Olivia could have been one of the main attractions. (We were the only American tourists, at least that I could tell.) I wasn't fast enough to get a picture of it, but while Olivia was checking out the giant bunnies, a woman ran over and knelt by her side to get a picture with her. Several people did it, and it cracked us up. I have heard other adoptive families talk about this type of reaction to American babies, but it was still funny to experience first-hand. Another woman tried to get a picture of her little girl with Olivia, but both girls were too shy to stand next to each other. Too bad - it would have been cute!

2011 is the Year of the Rabbit. Lucky Olivia - she loves "buh-ees." She was so excited when she saw the life-sized rabbits.

She also loves "wah-er" so this fountain was a favorite spot, too.

Brendan's favorite:

I guess I don't have a favorite, although I am loving all the palm trees! And these are perfectly sized for taking pictures of little ones!

Well, it's time to pack up and head for the airport. Tomorrow we meet Cora. As far as I know, she is also on her way to Nanning today. (Wow - sleeping in the same city tonight - we are so close!!!) I wonder what she's thinking. I don't know that she's been outside the orphanage, and this is probably the longest trip she's ever taken. (It's 3 hours from Guiping to Nanning.) We are so excited to meet her. I am having the hardest time comprehending that we will be handed a complete stranger who will be our daughter forever. This doesn't seem real!


  1. Oh my gosh, I cannot believe you are So close. I know I have said this before, but I am SOOOOO excited and cannot wait to see Cora with her forever family.
    LOVE the pictures, especially the last one of O in front of the palm trees. She is so darn cute.
    Love ya,

  2. hey, is that a backpack i see in that picture?

    cute. cute. cute pictures, finally (JJ)! :-)

    we're up, your sleeping and tomorrow is YOUR day! Cora's day! amazing change! change, of all sizes. :-) praying and rejoicing with you all!

    blessings and hugs,

    2 coffee break friends say "hi" and your in their prayers! :-)

  3. The pictures are just darling! Thank you for posting. Olivia looks so sweet in front of the palm tree! Can't wait to see Olivia and Cora together! I'm hoping that you're getting some sleep for your big day tomorrow! I can't wait to see the pictures of Cora in your arms! Hugs, prayers, and best wishes!


  4. B, Looks like Luigi is about go give you a big hug.
