Thursday, June 23, 2011

celebrating three months!

Remember this girl?

Well, she's grown. (a little bit)

Her hair has grown. (Brendan and I laugh about it.)

(These are current pictures of her in her "Gotcha!" outfit. I'm trying to track her growth over the next year, with the best intentions, of course!)

And it's only been 3 months! They handed Cora to us at 18 months old. She seemed more like a one year old, or younger, at the time. Now? She seems more like a 2 year old! (I'm sure having a big sister has nothing to do with that! Ha!) Could she really have aged a year in just 3 months?

She loves to eat, to blow bubbles, to sing (if you want to call it that) to dance, to play with toys, to steal toys, to be held... She now adores her daddy (and that took time!) and deep down, I think she really loves her sister, too. (There is a whole lot of baby girl screaming going on here!) They play together, jabber together, squeal (in delight) together. They do everything together, including celebrate together!

I love butter cream frosting, and I'll use any excuse I can find to celebrate with it. So a party we had - with butter cream frosted sugar cookies from our little town's "famous" bakery. In all honestly, we really do have a lot to celebrate!

Hey - Olivia stole my frosting!

Oh yes I did!!! (She really did. Dipped that slobbery finger into Cora's cookie and scooped it right up. Yum.)

Thanks for partying with us!

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